KIB Group

How to Determine if Your Small Business is Underinsured

Insurance plays a crucial role in safeguarding small businesses, but underinsurance remains a common issue that can leave businesses vulnerable in times of need. Here are some key steps to assess whether your business has the coverage it needs to stay protected:

  1. Evaluate Your Current Coverage Begin by reviewing your existing insurance policies to understand what’s covered. Check for any gaps, such as specific assets or risks that may not be fully insured.
  2. Assess the Value of Your Assets Regularly assess the value of your assets, including property, equipment, and stock, as underestimating their worth can lead to inadequate coverage. Reassessing the value of these assets annually ensures that your insurance keeps pace with your business’s growth.
  3. Consider Liability Exposures Liability exposures can evolve over time, particularly if your business is expanding or offering new products or services. Make sure your liability coverage is comprehensive enough to protect against new risks.
  4. Account for Business Interruptions Many small businesses underestimate the impact of disruptions, such as natural disasters or supply chain issues, which can halt operations. Business interruption insurance can help cover ongoing expenses during recovery periods, keeping your business resilient.
  5. Consult with an Insurance Expert Working with an insurance expert, such as KIB Group, can help ensure your policies align with your specific needs. Insurance professionals can provide guidance on adjustments to keep your coverage relevant and sufficient.

To learn more about avoiding underinsurance, visit Steadfast’s article. As a partner of KIB Group, Steadfast offers valuable resources to help small businesses navigate their insurance needs with confidence.

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